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Free Download Holopoint: Chronicle .zip


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Game Holopoint: Chronicle is intense archery combat. Explore the once lively island while skillfully weaving your way through waves of relentless holographic enemies, all while swiftly loosing arrows toward your targets. Holopoint: Chronicle is a skill based game where progression is based on player skill and training rather than unlocks. Like many arcade style games, personal progress and a high score is the goal. There are multiple areas to explore, each offering original targets and waves to progress through. Progression quickly becomes difficult and requires an active mindset. Holopoint is designed so that only a few determined archers will complete the last wave. WARNING: THIS GAME GETS INTENSE. REMEMBER TO BREATH AND TAKE BREAKS. WARNING: This game may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. 1075eedd30 Title: Holopoint: ChronicleGenre: Action, Indie, SportsDeveloper:Alzan Studios, LLCPublisher:Alzan Studios, LLCFranchise:HolopointRelease Date: 31 Jan, 2019 Free Download Holopoint: Chronicle .zip holopoint chronicle. holopoint chronicle steam This was a snap-buy for me because of how much I enjoyed the original. I'm happy to support the developers of one of my top VR games, but I'm still surprised that this wasn't a DLC to the original game. I can't recommend the original over this one because of the extra mechanics added to the new targets. Beyond that, it's the same game with different environments to divide up the various new targets. I can't ask for more than that from a DLC, but again this is not a DLC so I feel like there should've been something more to it to justify that. In my eyes, the developers have split one game in half. The new game leaves out great components that the original had, like a time attack mode and different kinds of targets and adds in content that couldve just been an update in the original. If this were my game i would try to make it as good as i can, and the new game is worth the pricetag of the original, but I hope to see the devs reintroduce the maps and game-modes that made the classic what it is.. Unpolished and unreasonably difficult.For context, I've played dozens of hours of the original Holopoint, and beaten every other VR Archery game in existence; In Death, The Lab: Archery, Elven Assassin, RPO Beta: Gauntlet, Skyrim, Apex Construct, etc. I've also beaten physical games like Thrill of the Fight and Beat Saber on expert mode. I'm no slouch. I'm in relatively good physical condition, but this game, like the first, is simply not possible for me to beat.The game is really fun for the first 10 levels, which takes only a few minutes. I spent the remaining 30 minutes trying to beat level 11-?. You can only 'save' after an arbitrary number of levels that's never stated anywhere, so the few times I beat level 11 and progressed to 12 and 13, I had to start all over again. After the first few minutes playing the game, it's a frustrating grindfest as opposed to an interesting experience. Worse, the more interesting areas are locked behind the ability to beat this game. I'm fine with difficult games that require hours to beat, but that's simply not possible to do with such a physically intense game. Even an extremely well conditioned athlete couldn't play this for more than an hour a day, as playing this is similar to sprinting. I LIKE the physical aspect of this game, but I don't like that I'm forced to replay lvl 11 over and over for eternity.Without some sort of difficulty settings, this game is DOA. I can't imagine how tiny the number of players who can actually beat the first stage is. Even if this were fixed, the game is plagued by lots of other issues.The game can barely run on most VR machines. It takes an incredibly amount of resources, and takes up to 5 minutes just to boot, then another few minutes to load each level.Sound-wise, this is a step backwards from the original. The audio is way too loud, to the point where it would probably be easier to play deaf. This is unfortunate as the game is supposed to be augmented by audio cues.Ultimately the game has so many issues, and I can't recommend it to anyone. I refunded it, and won't purchase another game from this studio until they decide to make a game I can actually play for more than 10 minutes before becoming pointless.. Awesome! If you liked the first holopoint this one is great! It's a bit more challenging at first than the first version though, which is great. For a great gameplay experience I turned off the motion smoothing and lowered the application resolution to 80% (this can be done in SteamVR "settings" then"video"). This is the best workout game I own so far, even more of a workout than the original. It is very intense! I buy a lot of games just for the workout, but this one is just fun to play regardless. Thank you devs for making a great game!. I was thinking about buying the original Holopoint, but saw this game was coming out so I waited on it. After buying and playing this game, I quickly realised many things:1. This feels like an Early Access game. The game is very unintuitive. It took me a few minutes once I was in to figure out how the menus work. There's no tutorial or anything.2. The game runs very poorly. It lags on my overclocked 1070, and some maps are so terribly optimized that they are unplayable.3. The game never teaches you about new "enemies" (aka different 3D shapes) you encounter. They all do different things and it takes a lot of trial and error to learn what they do.On top of this, the music sounds like it's from 2012.Very disappointed with this game. It really feels like a cash grab sequel. I wouldn't recommend that you buy this unless it gets some much-needed updates.. Disable Motion Smoothing ! Game runs great on my GTX 1080 I7-7700k after I disabled this setting. Visually game looks better and physics are better. Def worth every penny if you want to harness your inner Legolas.. Excellent workout and a lot of fun. I played the first one on release and enjoyed it a lot, but the pesky cable got in the way. I have the wireless adapter for the Vive and this game is on another level with the cord gone. I really enjoy the updated visuals and I plan to integrate this game into my daily workout routine.


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